Saturday, November 30, 2019

Rituals of the Nacirema Essay Example

Rituals of the Nacirema Paper To most of us, hospitals are a place to help you when you’re in need or want to get healthy. But for the Nacirema, it’s quite the opposite. According to the Nacirema ritual article, they call hospitals a latipso, which is hospital spelt backwards without the ‘H’. They discuss and caricature the repulsive viewings on what they think goes on in hospitals (latipso’s), or what they think they do. I will now tell you how in Miner’s perspective, the body is ugly and how the body is dirty. In the Nacirema point of view this is how they see hospitals. In the Nacirema ritual article they call the people who dehumanize other people medicine men. The medicine men manage their sick patients dressed in costumes and headdress. The Nacirema also say how it’s rarity that patients actually come out of the latipso alive. They say the latipso is â€Å"where you go to die†. The Nacirema also say that adults are eager to go under the control of the medicine men. Unless you can afford to give a â€Å"rich gift to the custodian†, you can’t be admitted into the latipso. Even if you have paid them, you will still have more to pay after you’ve fully recovered. The Nacirema avoid exposing their bodies, but at the latipso you are stripped of all your clothing. We will write a custom essay sample on Rituals of the Nacirema specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Rituals of the Nacirema specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Rituals of the Nacirema specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer They evaluate your body and bathe you in the latipso shrine, not considering where they’re touching or how they are violating you. The Nacirema say people go into shock when they realize they had lost their clothing privileges. Even though the men’s wives have never seen them in an excretory act, doesn’t mean no one else can. The â€Å"vestal maiden† makes him perform his â€Å"natural functions† in front of her. The Nacirema say on the other hand that females have to be nude and the medicine men can freely probe them wherever they please. The Nacirema say the medicine men torture their patients, and perform â€Å"ablutions†. The Nacirema consider medicine men as jabbing their clients with needles, and impairing, and making them worse than they were. The Nacirema people are more conservative and keep to themselves. Their body is their temple and is sacred to them. To sum it all up, the Nacirema people exaggerate, and make up assumptions on almost everything they see, and make things seem worse than they actually are. In our point of view this is how we see hospitals. The reasons of why the Nacirema rituals may seem bizarre to us is that we simply call medicine men doctors. The doctors in our culture dress in uniform according to their  work position. In a hospital, there’s always a chance that you’re going to die, and sometimes it’s too late for them to save you because you were too sick to begin with, or they made a mistake. But doctors do everything in their power to not let that happen and do all they can to make you sturdy enough to go home safely. In a hospital, you have to pay for the time and services of the hospital and workers, but just because you don’t have the money doesn’t mean the workers won’t take care of you, we will find a way to help you and find a way for you to pay for their services. The reasons doctors examine you is to see what’s causing the problem and what’s wrong so they can fix it. The nurses bathe you in a bathroom where it is private from the public if you are incapable of doing so. You also have the right to keep your clothes on, unless you’re told to take them off for a medical reason, in exchange, you are told to change into a gown in a private room. Usually for men, when you are asked to change into a gown is for a physical, or nurses trying to examine you for a logical or medical reason. But for women being examined, if you are pregnant, this gives the doctor or nurses a reason to check on the baby and how things are coming along. Almost everyone goes through this at some point of their lives, and you are not judged or discriminated upon. When you are very sick and unable to take care of yourself and can’t do things on your own, it is the nurse’s job to take care of you. The nurses use a thermometer to check their patient’s temperature and give them food to help them heal and recover. On the other hand, when doctors need to cure you or prevent you from a disease or illness, they insert needles to cure that disease, or make you immune to it to help you stay healthy. The reason all the Nacirema assumptions seem bizarre to us is because hospitals aren’t that extreme, or don’t seem that way to us. People strip their clothes and lather their bodies with a greasy like substance. They then lay in a bright spaceship for a little bit while the spaceship cooks them until people are golden brown, or burnt. But that’s not the only thing they do that’s strange. They pour on their bodies a sticky honey like paste, and cover themselves with a sheet. The sheet is then ripped off of the people, tearing off a layer of skin which makes blood spill out, and you look as red as a tomato. These examples can be related to the two tenets of how the body is ugly, and dirty. The body is ugly because people look like disgustingly brown and red bloody creatures, which are mentally deranged. The body is dirty because of the repulsive, grotesque substances that are put on their bodies to have them be cooked, and peeled. In summarization, the Nacirema see their bodies as a temple and is very sacred to them, and have great care for their bodies. But for us, we disrespect our bodies, and disregard what we’re actually doing to them. What seems to be normal to us may seem bizarre and strange to others who have never seen these sorts of actions or aren’t used to seeing it. The way the class is related to this paper is that everyone goes to the hospital or has been to one for some reason. Also, we don’t take care of our bodies, and mutilate them just to look good and feel good about ourselves.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Soil Analysis Essay Example

Soil Analysis Essay Example Soil Analysis Essay Soil Analysis Essay Soil forms the basis of the world we live in. It is the top layer of the Earths surface, consisting of rock and mineral particles mixed with organic matter. There are many varieties of soil around the world from Clay to Sand and from Rainforest to Mud. Different types of soil have their own individual characteristics that in turn affect the suitability of growth. This is due to different nutrient levels, water holding capability, pH etc. Many species of plants have adapted to better suit their soil environment. These adaptations have allowed certain plant species to thrive in an area in which other plants would never survive. Mangroves are highly admired for the way they have adapted to live in a saline environment. Flora naturally need freshwater to survive just as we do. Then how can mangroves survive growing in salt water? Mangroves have adapted to filter out the salt when it is absorbed along with the nutrient filled water. This salt is excreted through roots, leaves and bark. What is left is freshwater that can be used by the mangrove. This may seem like a big deal when you could just grow in fresh water however this adaptation allows mangroves to have less competition from other flora. The following experiments are to observe the individual characteristics of 3 different Zones of Mangrove Mud and also Beach, Rainforest and Clay Soil. The purpose of these experiments is to carry out various experiments and thus observe the different characteristics of soils. These characteristics can be compared to see how differences in soil might determine the type of vegetation that grows there. Safety Precautions: Make sure gloves are worn at all times as there are some harmful bacteria and diseases in dirt. Experiment 1 Soil Texture: Aim: To find the percentage of sand, clay and silt in different soil samples. Prediction: I predict that the soil with the highest percentage of sand will be the Trinity Beach sample. The soil with the highest percentage of clay will be the Clay sample. The soil with the highest percentage of silt will be the Outer Zone Mangrove Sample. Materials: * 6 x 200mL measuring cylinders * 3 x Mud samples from different areas of the mangroves (Inner, Middle and Outer Zones) * Ruler with mm measurements * Disposable Gloves * 3 x Samples of various areas (Beach, Rainforest and Clay Soil) * Spoons * Sieve Diagram: (For Step 4 and 5) Procedure: 1. Sift all of the samples to remove insoluble lumps of dirt, plant debris etc. 2. Measure 40mL of the first dried sample (for example Inner Zone Mud) into a measuring cylinder and label it accordingly. 3. Fill the cylinder with 200mL of water and shake until all the dirt particles are mixed throughout the water. 4. Put the cylinder down on a level bench and measure the depth of the sediment after the following time intervals: 30 seconds, 30 minutes, and 12 hours. 5. Repeat for each dirt sample. Record results on the table. Results: Mangrove Mud: Inner Zone Mud Middle Zone Mud Outer Zone Mud Stoney Creek Rainforest Trinity Beach Soil Clay Soil 30s depth (sand) 30 min depth 12 hour depth (total depth) 17 mm 30 mm 41 mm 11 mm 20 mm 37 mm 5 mm 34 mm 51 mm Minimal 29 mm 38 mm 28 mm 32 mm 33 mm 12 mm 25 mm 54 mm Sand layer (30s depth) Silt layer (30 min 30s depth) Clay layer (12h 30min depth) 17 mm 13 mm 11 mm 11 mm 9 mm 17 mm 5 mm 29 mm 17 mm Minimal à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ 29 mm 9 mm 28 mm 4 mm 1 mm 12 mm 13 mm 29 mm % Sand = Sand depth Total depth 41.46 % 29.73 % 9.80 % Minimal 84.85 % 22.22 % % Silt = Silt depth Total depth 31.71 % 24.32 % 56.86 % à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ 76.32 % 12.12 % 24.07 % % Clay = Clay depth Total depth 26.83 % 45.95 % 33.34 % 23.68 % 3.03 % 53.70 % Discussion: There are many different kinds of soil and they all have there own individual characteristics that affect the flora growth in that type of soil. These characteristics are things like: * The capacity of soil to hold minerals and water * The movement (capillary action) of water into soil * The drainage ability of water through the soil These are just a few of the characteristics affected by the amounts of clay, sand and silt present in the soil. These three sediment types were determined through the experiment above. It was determined that the soil sample with the highest percentage of sand was Trinity Beach with 84.95% of the sample being made up of sand. This is obviously no surprise but note how it is still made up of other types of sediment. On average sand is made of silica which is a mineral similar to quartz and opal. This is a hard substance that resists erosion. This insoluble mineral does not offer the best conditions for flora growth as nutrient and water trapping in the soil is difficult. The sand in the Trinity Beach area upholds the characteristics outlined for silica however due to the results above it is evident that the soil also contains 12.12% of silt and 3.03% of clay. These other sediments may help to trap the necessary nutrients for plant growth in the soil. The flora that grows on the beach is hardy (casuarinas and Spinifex). This is due to the limited amount of water and nutrients available. The highest percentage of Silt in the soil samples was Stoney Creek rainforest (76.32%). Rainforest is a nutrient high area where flora growth is prominent. This nutrient level is due to the way silt (and also clay) traps the nutrient rich water needed for the extensive growth. Silt is made up of finely eroded rock (this rock is largely made up of quartz and feldspar). This sedimentary silt is washed down with the rain and is trapped amongst the roots of trees. In relation to the mangroves, this silt is washed downstream in the annual floods and trapped in the particular roots (stilt, prop etc). This root network holds the nutrient laden silt to be used when needed. Without these roots (if the mangroves are cut down) the silt will wash through along with the nutrients. This silt collects at river mouths, causing shallower water and in the case of the nearby Great Barrier Reef in the Cairns area silt deposits that destroys the original habitat. Obviously the clay soil sample contained the highest percentage of clay (53.70%). Clay, when wet, is a flexible substance that can be moulded at will. When dry it becomes rock like and perfect for holding soil together. This characteristic is highly beneficial to the environment in the way it helps to prevent erosion. Clay is not necessarily highly nutrient filled sediment but, like clay, it is finer grained and holds a lot of water. Soil with high clay percentages is not a preferable flora environment because it is not well draining. Some plants still live in clay soil and many Australian plants have adapted to this especially wattles. Mangrove Mud contains its fair share of clay (ranging from 36% to 46%). This clay is responsible for the sticky characteristic of mud when it is wet. Clay helps to hold the mud together to avoid it being washed into the river or wetland. Clay is not well draining and could be responsible for the way mangrove mud appears to be wet even when the tide ha s long since gone out. It was often difficult to take readings of the amount of soil that had settled at different time periods. In the case of the mud samples they are rich in silt and clay and this clouded the water. It was difficult to determine what was actually settled from what was still suspended in the water above. A reading was taken and this was compared to readings taken when the water had cleared and all particles had settled. At this stage it was quite easy to see the different sediments that had settled. This difficulty in recording the levels could give reason for an amount of percentage error. Conclusion: The different sedimentary percentages analysed in this experiment are responsible for the individual flora species that grow in some areas but not in others. This variation in plant types is important to provide different habitats and food sources for Australian wildlife and marine species. Experiment 2 Soil Permeability: Aim: To observe the rate at which 50mL of water passes through different samples of saturated soil and mud. Prediction: I predict that it will take the longest amount of time for 50mL of water to pass through the Outer Zone Mud. I predict that it will take the shortest amount of time for 50mL of water to pass through the Trinity Beach Soil Sample. Materials: * 6 x 100mL measuring cylinders * 3 x Mud samples from different areas of the mangroves (Inner, Middle and Outer Zones) * 1 x 100mL beaker * Disposable Gloves * 3 x Samples of various areas (Beach, Rainforest and Clay Soil) * Filter Wool * 6 x 75mm filter funnels * 6 x Timers Diagram: (For Steps 8 and 9) Procedure: 1. Loosely plug the necks of all the filter funnels with filter wool and place a 100mL measuring cylinder beneath each of them. 2. Take up the first funnel. Fill the funnel about one third with the first sample of dry dirt. 3. Repeat this for each individual funnel and dirt sample. 4. Place each funnel in a 100mL measuring cylinder. 5. Pour approximately 50mL of water in each funnel. 6. Allow the water to filter through the dirt until it stops dripping. This is the point at which the dirt is fully saturated. 7. When this point is reached empty the cylinders and replace back under the saturated soil funnels. 8. Pair each funnel and measuring cylinder set up with a Timer. Add 50mL of water to each funnel and start their timers as you do so. 9. Time how long it takes for the 50mL to pass through each sample that is until the drip rate is less than one drip per minute. 10. Do NOT discard the saturated soil sample as it will be used in Experiment 3. Results: Sample Type Time It Takes For 50mL To Pass Through Saturated Sample Inner Zone 13.56 minutes Middle Zone 17.32 minutes Outer Zone 23.14 minutes Clay Soil No Dripping At All Trinity Beach Soil (Sand) 17.32 minutes Rainforest Soil 7.54 minutes Discussion: Soil naturally traps water and this can be determined by testing it for Soil Permeability. It took the longest for the 50mL of water to drip through the clay because it didnt drip at all. Clay is a highly water absorbing substance and when wet the particles cling together creating a thick goop. This thick clay settled in the bottom of the funnel. There were no more gaps to allow water to flow through so it accumulated in the funnel. In the environment clay soil also absorbs this water and when it reaches a certain point of water absorbency it can no longer absorb any more water. This non-absorbed water runs off the clay soil and floods nearby rivers and creeks. This not only becomes damaging floodwater but it limits the clay to how much nutrients they can absorb through the water. The drainage of soil is also important. Soil that either drains to fast or drains to slow can affect the floras growth. The clay could not drain and this would lead to root rot and lack of oxygen available to the plants roots. Mangrove mud can absorb a lot of water and therefore trap a lot of nutrients. However they also contain a lot of clay (26% to 46%) and this along with the increase in water due to tidal activity makes it difficult for mangroves to absorb oxygen through underground root systems. This is the reason that mangroves have evolved to have roots like stilt roots, aerial roots and knee roots. The rainforest soil drained the fastest of all the soil samples. Rainforest soil is full of flora debris that creates well draining holes in the soil. The soil is also well aerated which allows gaps for the water to run through. This is not a problem for the flora as it is well known that a lot of rain falls in rainforest areas. Conclusion: It is necessary to have a good balance of absorbency and drainage to make conditions for flora growth as good as possible. Mangroves live in a less suited environment and this has been the reason for the evolution of above ground roots to breath and help with stability. Experiment 3 Field Capacity: Aim: To measure the water-holding ability of a soil. This is to get an idea of the maximum amount of soil moisture available to plants, since the water which drains off due to gravity is in the root zone too briefly to be absorbed. Prediction: I predict that the Rainforest Soil will have the best water-holding ability however the Inner Zone Mud will hold the least amount of water.. Equipment: * The 6 Saturated Soil samples left over from the last experiment * 6 x 100mL beakers * 6 x plastic spoons or spatulas * Balance accurate to 0.01g * Permanent marker * Drying oven set at no more than 105à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½C Procedure: 1. Label each evaporating dish so that later when the saturated soil sample is added it is not confused with the other ones. 2. Weigh each evaporating and record its weight under its appropriate name on the results table. 3. Transfer each soil sample to its appropriately labeled evaporating dish (do not include the filter wool used in the last experiment). 4. Weigh each evaporating dish along with its soil sample. Subtract the weight of the evaporating dish from this weight to find the weight of the Soil + Water. 5. Place the dishes in a drying oven at 100à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½C and allow the dish to dry for 24 hours. 6. Allow the evaporating dishes to cool then weigh them. Subtract the weight of the dish from this weight to find the weight of dry soil. 7. Subtract the weight of dry soil away from the weight of the original soil + water to find the weight of water lost. Results: Trinity Beach Stoney Creek Rainforest Clay Outer Zone Mud Middle Zone Mud Inner Zone Mud 1. Mass of Evaporating Dish 49.62 41.62 48.09 43.51 48.22 45.31 2. Mass of Evaporating Dish and Saturated Soil 97.71 78.78 90.31 83.88 82.00 85.29 3. Mass of Saturated Soil (2 1) 48.09 37.16 42.22 40.37 33.78 39.98 4. Mass of Evaporating Dish and Dry Soil (Final Mass) 87.22 63.07 79.09 68.25 70.81 70.87 5. Mass of Dry Soil (4 1) 37.60 21.45 31.00 24.74 22.59 25.56 6. Mass of Water in Soil (3 5) 10.49 15.71 11.22 15.63 11.19 14.42 7. Percent of Water in Soil Mass Of Water (6) Mass Of Saturated Soil (3) 21.81 % 42.28 % 26.58 % 38.72 % 33.13 % 36.07 % Discussion: Field capacity is a measurement of the water-holding ability of individual soils. Soil can only hold so much water and then the rest becomes drain off. This in turn is the maximum amount of water available to the flora growing in that soil. The Stoney Creek Rainforest soil sample contained the most amount of water held in the sample (42.28%). This high percentage means that this particular soil sample holds the most amount of nutrient rich water for flora use. This is highly beneficial for the use of the plant at that time and also for storage of water and nutrients for later. The increased holding ability of the soil means that less water is wasted. The soil with the least holding ability is the Trinity Beach sand (21.81%). The Trinity Beach sand sample is obviously from the beach and this is by a tidal mass of water. These tidal tendencies soak the soil say once a day. The tide is always going to be there so the soil does not need to store as much water. Also it is not capable of storing a lot of water because of its grainy structure instead of finer particles (silt and clay) that can absorb water (Experiment 1). Mangroves need to absorb a lot of water to obtain as much nutrients as possible. Mangrove mud is able to hold a lot of water (33% to 39%) however this water is predominantly saline. The mangroves have evolved to use this nutrient rich water by filtering out the salt. This leaves the plant with fresh water filled with the nutrients. Conclusion: It is necessary for some soils to absorb a lot of water but it is also important to have a certain level of drainage ability. If the soil absorbed ALL of the water then root rot would occur. Also if all of this water was absorbed then the ground beneath our feet would become a sloppy mess unsuitable for walking on. Experiment 4 Capillary Action Of Soil: Aim: To observe the rate at which water is absorbed into different soil samples using a Capillary Action setup (see Diagram). Water is absorbed by soil as the soil contains small spaces where water can be held. Prediction: I predict that the Stoney Creek rainforest will absorb the most amount of water over the designated days and the Inner Mud Zone will absorb the least. Materials; * 2 x Mud samples from different areas of the mangroves (Inner ; Middle Zones) * 3 x Samples of various areas (Beach, Rainforest and Clay Soil) * 5 x 50cm Clear Plastic Tube, approximately 2cm in diameter. * 5 x Clamps and Stands * 5 x bottom half of Petri Dishes * Permanent marker * Filter Wool * Beaker to top up Petri Dishes * Ruler marked with millimeters Note: The Outer Zone mud sample was too hard to insert and pack into a tube so it was not tested. Diagram: Procedure: 1. Loosely plug one end of each plastic tube with filter wool and trim the excess ends. 2. Label each tube and three quarters fill the named tube with the appropriate dried soil. 3. Tap the tubes to settle the soil. 4. Clamp the tubes above a Petri dish so that it is held just off the bottom of the dish. 5. Fill the Petri dish with water and refill it when necessary during the experiment. 6. Measure the height of the water absorbed up the tube at the time intervals shown in Table 4. Results: Monday 21 May Tuesday 22 May Wednesday 23 May Rate of Absorbency (average mm per day) 30 mins 10:00 am 1 hour 10:30 am 2 hours 11:30 am 3 hours 12:30 am 4 hours 1:30 pm 24 hours 9:30 am 48 hours 9:30 am Inner Zone Mud 34 mm 40 mm 52 mm 53 mm 55 mm 105 mm 146 mm 48.7 mm per day Middle Zone Mud 32 mm 33 mm 41 mm 44 mm 45 mm 71 mm 93 mm 31 mm per day Trinity Beach 94 mm 99 mm 114 mm 124 mm 133 mm 184 mm 243 mm 81 mm per day Clay 36 mm 39 mm 52 mm 53 mm 64 mm 107 mm 219 mm 73 mm per day Stoney Creek Rainforest 44 mm 47 mm 54 mm 55 mm 56 mm 120 mm 121 mm 40.3 mm per day Discussion: All soil samples have small gaps between the particles where water is absorbed and stored. All soil samples have their own characteristics and this could account for the individual rates at which they are able to absorb water. The Trinity Beach Soil sample absorbed the most amount of water in 3 days (243mm). This sample has a high percentage of sand grains in its soil. These grains are quite large and because of their irregular shape when packed together they are not completely fitting. This leaves small gaps between the grains where water can be absorbed. The Middle Zone Mud sample absorbed the least amount of water in 3 days (93mm). I do not believe this is an accurate reading because when it came time to fill the plastic tube with the sample it was extremely difficult as the Middle Zone Mud had bonded together. This was due to the clay percentage in the soil. When the soil dried so had the clay and this formed an almost rock like substance. This was also the reason why the Outer Zone Mud sample was not tested. It had also become a solid mass that could not be sieved to obtain the finer particles needed for this experiment. In previous experiments mangrove mud was quite high in the amount of water present in its soil. Also in experiment 2 Soil Permeability the Outer Zone and also the Middle Zone mud drained the fastest and this was due to the fact that they had gaps in between their particles to allow water to flow through. This is similar to the principle used in this experiment so I would assume that had this experiment been done accurately that these two zones would have absorbed close to the highest amounts absorbed over 3 days. Mangroves thrive in these muddy environments and have learnt to avoid the drowning affect that extensive amounts of water often have on plants. Some species of mangrove have evolved to have above ground roots such as stilt roots and aerial roots. When the tide begins to rise in the areas where mud is present (around the coastline) it is quickly absorbed into the mud and held there. This provides nutrients for the mangroves but without the above ground roots they would be dead. This strategy that the mangroves have helps to support my theory that the Outer and Middle Zone mud must be able to absorb water at quite a fast rate even though the reading for Middle Zone mud says otherwise. Conclusion: The ability to absorb a lot of water at a relatively fast rate is important to trap nutrients in the soil. However it is important to balance the soil to water ratio because flooded soil is not what the plants need. Experiment 5 Soil pH: Aim: To observe the individual pH levels of soils. Prediction: I predict that the Middle Zone Mud sample will have the highest acidity (below 7). Trinity Beach on the other hand will have the lowest acidity (higher than 7). Materials: * 3 x Mud samples from different areas of the mangroves (Inner, Middle and Outer Zones) * 3 x Samples of various areas (Beach, Rainforest and Clay Soil) * pH kit * Distilled water * 6 x small beakers * 6 x stirring rods * Permanent marker Procedure: 1. Label each beaker and add the appropriate dried soil to each beaker. Make sure each soil sample is approximately the same. 2. Add approximately the same amount of distilled water to each beaker. 3. Thoroughly stir the beakers to dissolve as much soil as possible. 4. Test each beaker of soil sample with the pH tester and remember to wash the tester with distilled water after every beaker. Results: Soil Sample Ph level Trinity Beach 6.1 Stoney Creek Rainforest 6.7 Clay 5.9 Outer Zone Mud 7.0 Middle Zone Mud 7.2 Inner Zone Mud 8.4 Discussion: Soil pH is an indication of the alkalinity or acidity of soil. A pH meter ranges from 0 to 14 and 7 is the point at which soil is deemed neutral. Some plants tend to thrive in one condition but placed in another death is inevitable. They prefer either one or the other along with many soil organisms that live alongside the flora. The pH of the soil can also affect the availability of nutrients. The table below left shows the different types of nutrients available to flora depending on the pH of the soil. The table at the right shows the scale of pH and how to read this scale. Acid Neutral Alkali 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 9.5 10 nitrogen, N phosphorus, P potassium, K calcium, Ca magnesium, Mg sulphur, S iron, Fe manganese, Mn boron, B copper, Cu zinc, Zn molybdenum, Mo The pH of soil can be affected by decomposing matter, rainfall, fertilisers, and the original materials that the soil was formed from. Soil that is mixed with rocks that have a low pH reading generally have a higher acidity level. The soil that has been mixed with rocks that have a high pH will have a lower acidity level (a basic pH level). When it rains nutrients are leached from the soil by the passing water. This is a good thing as it makes the nutrients available for the plants however it does change the acidity level as these nutrients are being replaced by acidic elements such as aluminium and iron. This is asumed to be the reason why soil formed in rainy conditions is more acidic than that formed in dryer conditions. The decomposition of matter also makes the soil more acidic. The Inner Zone Mud sample had the highest pH reading (8.4). This reading, using the pH scale rates the soil as Moderatly Alkine. The other mud samples are closer to 7 and nutural and this could be due to the fact that the Inner Zone is not as flushed with floodwater and tide as the other Zones and therefore the soil is not subject to changes in acidity in the ways stated above. The soil with the lowest pH reading was the Clay sample (5.9). Using the pH scale this means that the soil is Moderatly acid. I am not too sure of the accuracy of this reading as it does not agree with the facts on pH examined above. A search on the internet comes up with the following results. More often than not, clay soil is alkaline (has a high pH).1 Conclusion: The acidity of the soil is affected by elements of nature such as rainfall, decomposing of matter and rock matter present in the soil. It is also STRONGLY affected by fertilisers washed into the soil from farms and gardens. Experiment 6 Soil Organic Matter (Humus): Aim: To determine the percentage of soil organic matter (Humus) in each soil sample through heating. Prediction: I predict that the rainforest will contain the most amount of Humus and that the clay will contain the least amount of Humus. Materials: * The six dry soil samples form experiment 3 Field Capacity. * 6 x evaporating dishes * 6 x heat mats, tripod, pipe clay triangle and wire gauze * 6 x Bunsen burner * Metal Spatula * Tongs * Balance accurate to 0.01g Diagram: Procedure: 1. Label each evaporating dish and weigh it. Record each weight at its appropriate name on the results table. 2. Add the dry soil samples from experiment 3 to their appropriately labeled dish. 3. Find the Mass of the dry soil present (No 3 on the results table) by subtracting the mass of the Evaporating dish from the mass of the evaporating dish PLUS the dry soil. 4. Set up the 6 sets of Bunsen burner, heat mat, tripod, pipe clay triangle and wire gauze as shown in the diagram. 5. Heat the soil strongly for 15 minutes remembering to turn it often with the spatula during heating. 6. Remove the dishes from the heat and allow them to cool on a heat mat. 7. Weigh them all again and record the weights in the No 4 column. 8. Work out the other weights using (No 5 and No 6) the results table. 9. Work out the Percentages using the formula shown. Results: Trinity Beach Stoney Creek Rainforest Clay Outer Zone Mud Middle Zone Mud Inner Zone Mud 1. Mass of Evaporating Dish 49.62 41.62 48.09 43.51 48.22 45.31 2. Mass of Evaporating Dish and Air-Dry Soil 87.22 63.07 79.09 68.25 70.81 70.87 3. Mass of Air Dry Soil (2 1) 37.60 21.45 31.00 24.74 22.59 25.56 4. Mass of Evaporating Dish and Soil After Strong Heating 86.14 60.83 77.94 66.34 69.67 70.53 5. Mass of Heated Soil (4 1) 36.52 19.21 29.85 22.83 21.45 25.22 6. Mass of Organic Matter (3 5) 1.08 2.24 1.15 1.91 1.14 0.34 7. Percent Of Organic Matter Mass of Organic Matter (6) Mass of Air-Dry Soil (3) 2.87 % 10.44 % 3.71 % 7.72 % 5.07 % 1.33 % Discussion: Organic matter in the soil is debris that has been discarded by other flora and this acts like mulch. It releases nutrients into the soil as the bacteria and fungi decompose it. In soil such as Stoney Creek Rainforest the percentage of Humus is relatively high in comparison to the actual soil (10.44%). This is due to the fact that Rainforests contain a huge number of plants which are constantly depositing dead leaf litter and branches. These are in turn decomposed to form smaller particles that become part of the soil below. These smaller particles also help to create gaps in the soil that can be used to absorb water/nutrients and also to aerate the soil. The Inner Zone Mud sample contained the least amount of Humus (1.33%). This is because not very much can grow in its soil. Some of the smaller species of mangroves do grow their but they do not exceed about 2.5m in height. The Inner Zone is too far away from the tidal area to be able to absorb much water. This leaves this area with limited nutrient supply and also limited water supply. When the soil was collected from this area it was dry and hard to dig up however the mud collected from the Outer Zone was goopy and sticky. These differences are due to the fact that one area gets more water than the other. In the Outer Zone much more flora grows and this in turn creates more leaf litter and debris to be absorbed into the soil. Conclusion: Not only does Humus provide gaps for water to be absorbed into but it also provides extra nutrients for plants. The percentage of Humus depends on the amount of vegetation growing in the soil and also the tendencies for those plants to deposit leaves and other debris. Experiment 7 Identifying Bacteria Growth in Soil Aim: To determine the amount of Bacteria and Fungi growth in different soil samples. To compare the growth against each other to determine which area has the greatest amount of decomposers. Prediction: I predict that the Rainforest sample will have the most amounts of Bacteria and Fungi and that the Inner Zone Mud sample will have the least amount of Bacteria and Fungi. Materials: * Enough Molten Agars to fill 6 Petri Dishes * Distilled water * Permanent Marker * 6 Beakers * Stirring Rods * 6 pipettes * Sticky Tape * 3 x Mud samples from different areas of the mangroves (Inner, Middle and Outer Zones) * 3 x Samples of various areas (Beach, Rainforest and Clay Soil) * Camera * Incubator Diagrams: Diagram 1: Diagram 2: Diagram 3: Procedure: 1. Warm up pre prepared agar until it becomes molten. 2. Whilst the agar is warming take the 6 small beakers and label them. 3. Add 1 teaspoon of dirt to the appropriately named beaker and add 50mL of water to each beaker. 4. Thoroughly mix the dirt in the beaker until as much of it has dissolved as possible. 5. Label 6 sets of Agar plates. 6. For each plate half fill it with agar then add a sample of the appropriate soil sample using a pipette. Put the lid on and firmly sticky tape it shut. 7. Repeat this with the other 5 agar plates. 8. Place all the agar plates in an incubator at 20à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½C. Results: Inner Zone Mud sample Middle Zone Mud sample Outer Zone Mud sample Trinity Beach sample Stoney Creek Rainforest sample Clay sample Discussion: It is difficult to see the details in the pictures above but when viewing them naturally it was possible to see that the Beach grew the most Fungi and Bacteria. This was the amount visible in the agar not by separating the colonies into either Fungi or Bacteria. Soil pH affects the suitability for fungi and bacteria growth. The pH of the beach was moderately acidic and this is only slightly below the pH level preferred by most soil bacteria. Fungi, moulds and anaerobic bacteria and tend to multiply in higher numbers the lower the pH level is. This is in accordance with the low pH of the Trinity Beach Sample. Conclusion: Bacteria and fungi growth is predominatly determined by the pH levels of the soil. Summary: Different soil types have individual characteristics which in turn affect the vegetation growth in that particular soil. Below are the results of all of the experiments (excluding Experiment 7). Inner Zone Mud Middle Zone Mud Outer Zone Mud Stoney Creek Rainforest Trinity Beach Sand Clay Soil % Sand 41.46 % 29.73 % 9.80 % Minimal 84.85 % 22.22 % % Silt 31.71 % 24.32 % 56.86 % à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ 76.32 % 12.12 % 24.07 % % Clay 26.83 % 45.95 % 33.34 % 23.68 % 3.03 % 53.70 % Time It Takes For 50mL Of Water To Pass Through Saturated Soil Sample 13.56 mins 17.2 mins 23.14 mins 7.54 mins 17.32 mins No Dripping Percent of Water in Soil 36.07 % 33.13 % 38.72 % 42.28 % 21.81 % 26.58 % Average Rate Of Absorbency Per Day Over 3 Days 48.7 mm 31 mm N/A 40.3 mm 81 mm 73 mm pH Of Soil 8.4 7.2 7.0 6.7 6.1 5.9 Percent Of Organic Matter In Soil 1.33 % 5.07 % 7.72 % 10.44 % 2.87 % 3.71 % The Stoney Creek Rainforest is overall the best soil sample. The soil sample has good drainage which avoids root rot and oxygen deprival because of too much water flooding the soil. However the soil sample can also hold a lot of water which is necessary for trapping nutrients in the soil. The pH of the soil is close to neutral which is good for promoting Bacteria and Fungal growth. These Bacteria and Fungi help to decompose the high percentage of Organic Matter present in this soil type. The vegetation in the Stoney Creek Rainforest area where this sample was collected is thriving with lush, tropical plants. This type of vegetation needs a lot of water and the soil provides necessary water holding abilities and absorbency rates to hold this water. The flora growing in this area is prone to shedding leaves and this is accountable for the high percentage of Organic Matter. Rainforest soil is appropriate for most flora growth as it contains high nutrient levels. However the soil drains really fast and if clearing occurs the topsoil is easily washed away. The soil which is least suitable for soil growth is Clay. It does not drain easily however it also absorbs water at a relatively strong rate. This is not a good combination as it leaves the soil open to over saturation and also oxygen depletion. This over saturation causes the soil to become unsuitable for most vegetation growth. Most plants prefer well drained soil. Mangroves have evolved to live in saline environments whose soil is flooded half the day at least. They have evolved to have above ground roots that help the plant to breath. These roots also provide stability for the plants in mud that is soft and often unstable due to the high percentage in water. The Outer Zone Mud sample and the Middle Zone Mud Sample both had relatively neutral pH and this preferable pH level was backed up by the higher percentage in vegetation compared to the Inner Zone Mud sample where less vegetation grew along with less water content. All vegetation growth is affected by the soil environment they are in however some plants have adapted to better suit this difference.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Why Copper Bowls Are Better for Whipping Egg Whites

Why Copper Bowls Are Better for Whipping Egg Whites The bowl you use makes a difference when you are whipping egg whites. Copper bowls produce a yellowish, creamy foam that is harder to overbeat that the foam produced using glass or stainless steel bowls. When you whisk egg whites in a copper bowl, some copper ions migrate from the bowl into the egg whites. The copper ions form a yellow complex with one of the proteins in eggs, conalbumin. The conalbumin-copper complex is more stable than the conalbumin alone, so egg whites whipped in a copper bowl are less likely to denature (unfold). How Does Whisking Change the Eggs? When air is whisked into egg whites, the mechanical action denatures the proteins in the whites. The denatured proteins coagulate, stiffening the foam and stabilizing the air bubbles. If the foam is overbeaten in a non-copper bowl, eventually the proteins become completely denatured and coagulate into clumps. There is no going back from the clumpy mess to nice foamy whites, so overbeaten whites are usually discarded. If a copper bowl is used, then fewer protein molecules are free to denature and coagulate, because some are tied up in conalbumin-copper complexes. In addition to forming complexes with conalbumin, the copper may also react with sulfur-containing groups on other proteins, further stabilizing the egg proteins. Although the iron and zinc found in other metal bowls also form complexes with conalbumin, these complexes dont make the foam more stable. When glass or steel bowls are used, cream of tartar may be added to egg whites to stabilize the whites.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Ipad sales Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Ipad sales - Research Paper Example As of today, iPad is still leading the computer tablet market despite the competitor’s effort to unseat iPad. Apple and iPad in particular success can be attributed to a lot of things. Apple in general made itself distinct by making its hardware and software work in synergy that enabled its products and services unequalled by its competitors. The best example that we can show for this is the synergy that its operating system iOS5 that provide synergy among the different product lines of Apple. It powers the iPad, iPod and iPod touch which allows the three products to interact and complement each other. Its new computer operating system Lion also has an Air-drop feature that made sharing of information between Mac computers very convenient. Air-drops peer to peer wi-fi based network made file sharing so easy where it was such a pain before that it can induce consumers to upgrade to Mac to make file sharing easy with other Mac users. And iPad miniaturized all that features in a tablet which the reader can interact through its touch screen and the interest it stirred among its consumer created the computer tablet industry which proved to be profitable. The computer tablet industry in the US continues to grow. By 2015, it is estimated that tablet users will grow from the present users of 26 million to 82.1 million market. To date, it is currently dominated by Apple Inc.’s Ipad 2 cornering around 75 percent of the total market share in September of 2011 leaving leaving only a 25 percent market share for its rivals (Huff Post, 2011). This is currently challenged by Amazon’s Kindle Fire whose recent performance in the market is predicted to dethrone Ipad’s leading position in the market. Ipad however is quick to retaliate by launching its smaller version of iPad called iPad mini which is designed to compete with its close competitors Nexus and Kindle Fire (Arthur, 2012). The newest  iPad's  boast of faster A6X processor that adds extra system speed and graphics power to the tablet which is still unsurpassed by its competitors (Cnet, 2012). Being the pioneer in retina display, iPad also features clear, deep and crisp display which raised the bar in computer screens. Also, the synergy between iPad and Apple’sother product line is not only about the complementary nature of its devices but also its guarantee that Apple devices â€Å"just work†. Unlike its competitors such as Google’s Android which is open to be used by many devices, Apple implemented a strict hardware and software control that guarantees synergy between the device and the software which provided iPad a distinct advantage over its competitors. As a result, Apple’s product lines does not have the vulnerability of Android where it suffers from hardware foibles because the hardware and software does not synergize. Apple may be a little pricey with a retail price of $499 compared to its competitors Nexus which is priced at $199 and Amazon’s Kindle Fire at $299 yet this disparity in price did not became prohibitive for its customers in acquiring the gadget. And most consumers consider now the pricing of Apple products including iPad to be very competitive considering its quality and previous price. This relative competitive price of iPad was made possible by the briliant management of Apple’s supply chain by capitalizing its organizational capability of having huge cash reserves to leverage iPad. It made its supply

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Discussions Questions- Managing Diversity Research Paper

Discussions Questions- Managing Diversity - Research Paper Example The evolution of anti-discrimination laws shall be used to elaborate this idea. Factors such as demonstrations, rallies and social uprisings have led the passage of anti-discrimination laws. All those factors require immediate attention from the government. Those acts show the level of concern that the public has given to the issue. For instance, to defend gay rights after the occurrence of Stonewall Uprising in1969, gays executed street rallies and demonstrations for the government to hear their concern (â€Å"Stonewall’). In a way, the alarming rate of incidence of discrimination based on sex, religion, race and national origin in the workplace has also influenced the passage of anti-discrimination laws. For example, the many complaints of racial segregation in schools and racial discrimination in the workplace have made the American congress pass the Civil Rights Act of 1964. With regard to the Equal Pay Act, feminist movements have influenced the government decision to cr eate such law which will prohibit employers from basing the salary rate on sex. Q2- ABC Company has just been notified that the federal government will cut-off funding to the company because it does not have a diverse workforce that is representative of the community where it does business. Its workforce is 75% white men and the other 25% are minorities but only in unskilled positions. The community comprises women, people of color, people with disabilities, and other people who would be considered a minority. The company is given three months to develop a plan to address how it will become diverse, including having minorities in management positions. ABC Company has hired you, a diversity expert, as its consultant to develop the plan. What is your plan for ABC Company? Describe in detail including your rationale for specific actions of the plan. From the facts given, it is obvious that majority of the employees occupying managerial positions in ABC Company are white men while those designated with unskilled positions are minorities. To have a diverse workforce, it would be proper for the company to divide the employee population into 50% men and 50% women. Such division will be representative of both sexes. To include the other minorities in the division, each division will comprise the following: 15% people of color, 15 % men or women, 10% people with disabilities and 10% from the other minorities. This kind of workforce will be the target of the company’s plan. To make this happen, the company must enforce a policy emphasizing non-tolerance of discriminatory hiring and promotion of employees (â€Å"How’). It should also highlight the fact that it would always consider workforce diversity in choosing employees for management and unskilled positions. To instill diversity awareness among the current and future employees of the company, it should organize diversity trainings through seminars and workshops (â€Å"How†). This method is known to promote communication between the diverse groups (â€Å"How†). Moreover, ABC company should expand its hiring potential by joining career expos and job fairs as well as to advertise in local publications (â€Å"How†). Q3- Diversity in the workplace is so wonderful, says Jane who is a graduate student at Cal State University. Paul, another graduate student at Cal State University, rebuts, Diversity in the workplace sucks! What are at least five points that Jane could argue to support her position and what are at

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Admission Essay for Mba Essay Example for Free

Admission Essay for Mba Essay The quest for knowledge is unlimited as are the human wants. Perception is the basic idea behind every accomplishment. The field of business administration in itself is a line with inquisitive and progressive future. The very immediate applicability of the subject and its consequent results on improvisation of society on whole is a rewarding experience to go through. The one thing in present day and in future that will remain constant will be the progress and development of mankind. Thus the focus will inevitably be on developing the business structure. This being one of the main factors that directly reflect any countries growth and index of development has scope for challengeable and innovative future. The very beauty of this field which inclined me towards it is the fact that this field is never confined and ever emerging by bounding and integrating with different fields towards extracting the best we can do! See more: Examples of satire in adventures of huckfinn essay Ever since my childhood I was always fascinated by the way a business works. I always showed interest towards the working of a business and from my schooling I used to accompany my father in his business. I used to help him with maintaining accounts and learnt various business tactics. Today when choosing a specialization it is a great relief that what I want to pursue is not only a fast developing and long lasting field but also a subject of immense interest to me. Combined by my full commitment and wholehearted interest towards the subject and after judging the applicability of my decision towards my career’s progress I can say with full satisfaction that this is the best that I can do from personal and productive point of views. Apart from the academic interest, I expanded my thirst for knowledge by presenting different technical papers at national and state levels. A few of my papers are Export Documentation, Import Documentation, Working of a Retail Outlet, few Finance related papers and Accounting Projects. All these activities during my course and the interest generated from the projects attracted me more towards the field of Business Administration which supported my childhood interest. I was able to increase my intra personal traits by playing a major role in organizing the events of ARTHASHASTRA, a state level commerce students festival organized by Commerce Organization For Emerging Entrepreneurs (COFEE) at our institution which created a perfect platform for exposing myself in both leadership qualities and monitoring skills, which created lot of zeal to counteract the surrounding situations. As the United States education system is the polestar for other nations, I therefore chose to opt for USA for my higher education. Furthermore, I hardly need to mention that Franklin University being among the reputed schools for Business Administration would provide the best in terms of opportunities, infrastructural facilities and academically stimulating environment. My intended areas of specialization in the Graduate program in the Business Administration at Franklin University (Columbus, OH) is Masters in Business Administration (MBA) in order to pursue a carrier in business administration and experience the excitement and satisfaction of being associated with this vast and expanding field. Finally I would like to add that the essence of University education lies in the synergic relationships between the student and his department. I am confident that I will match the high standards set by the University. I thus feel that a Graduate study at Franklin University will be the most logical extension of my academic pursuits and a major step towards achieving my objectives. I would definitely boost my ambitions if I am given the opportunity to pursue my higher studies at Franklin University with suitable financial assistance and I am confident that I will be able to justify your faith in me.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Life Of The Dali Lama Essay -- essays research papers

The Dalai Lama's biography His Holiness the 14th the Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso, is the head of state and spiritual leader of the Tibetan people. He was born Lhamo Dhondrub on 6 July 1935, in a small village called Taktser in northeastern Tibet. Born to a peasant family, His Holiness was recognized at the age of two, in accordance with Tibetan tradition, as the reincarnation of his predecessor the 13th Dalai Lama, and thus an incarnation Avalokitesvara, the Buddha of Compassion. The Dalai Lamas are the manifestations of the Bodhisattva (Buddha) of Compassion, who chose to reincarnate to serve the people. Lhamo Dhondrub was, as Dalai Lama, renamed Jetsun Jamphel Ngawang Lobsang Yeshe Tenzin Gyatso - Holy Lord, Gentle Glory, Compassionate, Defender of the Faith, Ocean of Wisdom. Tibetans normally refer to His Holiness as Yeshe Norbu, the Wishfulfilling Gem or simply Kundun - The Presence. The enthronement ceremony took place on February 22, 1940 in Lhasa, the capital of Tibet. Education in Tibet He began his education at the age of six and completed the Geshe Lharampa Degree (Doctorate of Buddhist Philosophy) when he was 25 in 1959. At 24, he took the preliminary examinations at each of the three monastic universities: Drepung, Sera and Ganden. The final examination was conducted in the Jokhang, Lhasa during the annual Monlam Festival of Prayer, held in the first month of every year Tibetan calendar. Leadership Responsibilities On November 17, 1950, His Holiness was called upon to assume full political power (head of the State and Government) after some 80,000 Peoples Liberation Army soldiers invaded Tibet. In 1954, he went to Beijing to talk peace with Mao Tse-tung and other Chinese leaders, including Chou En-lai and Deng Xiaoping. In 1956, while visiting India to attend the 2500th Buddha Jayanti Anniversary, he had a series of meetings with Prime Minister Nehru and Premier Chou about deteriorating conditions in Tibet. His efforts to bring about a peaceful solution to Sino-Tibetan conflict were thwarted by Bejing's ruthless policy in Eastern Tibet, which ignited a popular uprising and resistance. This resistance movement spread to other parts of the country. On 10 March 1959 the capital of Tibet, Lhasa, exploded with the largest demonstration in Tibetan history, calling on China to leave Tibet and reaffirming Tibet's ... ...his year. But I do not believe the demonstrations were in vain, because the spirit of freedom was rekindled among the Chinese people and China cannot escape the impact of this spirit of freedom sweeping in many parts of the world. The brave students and their supporters showed the Chinese leadership and the world the human face of that great nations." A Simple Buddhist monk His Holiness often says, "I am just a simple Buddhist monk - no more, nor less." His Holiness follows the life of Buddhist monk. Living in a small cottage in Dharamsala, he rises at 4 A.M. to meditate, pursues an ongoing schedule of administrative meetings, private audiences and religious teachings and ceremonies. He concludes each day with further prayer before retiring. In explaining his greatest sources of inspiration, he often cites a favorite verse, found in the writings of the renowned eighth century Buddhist saint Shantideva: For as long as space endures And for as long as living beings remain, Until then may I too abide To dispel the misery of the world. For as long as space endures And for as long as living beings remain, Until then may I too abide To dispel the misery of the world.

Monday, November 11, 2019

The Pearl Literary Essay

â€Å"But in the song there was a secret little inner song, hardly perceptible, but always there, sweet and secret and clinging, almost hiding in the counter-melody and this was the song of the pearl that might be, for every shell thrown in the basket might contain a pearl† (Steinbeck 17). This is something that might forever deceive us, because of its ‘sweet' counter-melody. This is the deception of money. It still happens today- people confuse money with power, because in some way, money can lead to power, and it's not always a good thing.Money is not the answer to everything, as it can serve to beguile people, confusing them between what they think they want, and what they really do want or need. In the book ‘The Pearl' by John Steinbeck, Kino became blinded by the outside sheen of the pearl. â€Å"The shell was partly open, for the overhang protected this ancient oyster, and in the lip-like muscle Kino saw a ghostly gleam, and then the shell closed down† (Steinbeck 18).This ‘ghostly gleam' is the power of the pearl, and it started to delude Kino little by little, starting from the point of where he had first seen the pearl to where it had cost him something very dear to him- his son, Coyotito. Kino originally saw the pearl as a practical method to improve his and his family's life, however later, he saw it only as a method of survival, and in the end, Coyotito dies because of this. Only at the end had Kino realized the power of the pearl, but this realization was of no help at the end, as everything was done. Money really is not everything, and in Kino's case, it had caused death.Take the lottery, for instance. Everyone wants to win the lottery- the chance to win it big and be rich, and not have to live tight and counting every single penny. If you hit the jackpot, you could simply live off the interest and not have to worry about a single thing. Now, applying this to ‘The Pearl,' Kino and Juana had basically nothing; t hey lived in a hut that had a dirt floor, and this hut could have been destroyed in one strong gust of wind. Their house would have been blown away, and then what? And it's not only them who live that way. Members of their entire community live just as Kino does, and they are just as content.Their village of La Paz was all pretty much dirt poor, and if even one of its members hit it big, it would represent a huge thing for their entire wellbeing. With the pearl, Kino saw not only wealth, but a healthy and prospering future, especially for Coyotito. It would have also been a big event for the entire village. The thing is, Kino only saw these things through the pearl. What does that mean? It means that he wasn't able to see a happy future for him and his family without the pearl. What does that mean? It means that without the pearl, they were still basically nothing. But Kino's face shone with prophecy. ‘My son will read and open the books, and my son will write and will know wr iting. And my son will make numbers, and these things will make us free because he will know– he will know and through him we will know'† (Steinbeck 26). ‘Through him we will know,' Kino says this, and when he says this, he means that only through Coyotito can they know. Doesn't that represent a LOT for them and the community? What if these things did not in fact come to pass? Then they would have to start over, and live with these times of incognizance playing over and over in their heads.There is a lot hanging on the pearl- it's either all or nothing. That's what the pearl seemed to represent, and in the end, they got nothing. Coyotito was a large part of their life, and what they wanted from the pearl had a lot to do with him. This time, they would have to start over without Coyotito. And also, this would especially hurt Kino. Even if nothing particularly dreadful came to pass, Kino would probably feel horrible about his ignorance and how he got his and his fam ily's hopes up- all for nothing. He would realize how the pearl had deluded him until this moment, and would live in embarrassment for the rest of his life. In the pearl he saw how they were dressed- Juana in a shawl stiff with newness and a new skirt, and from under the long skirt Kino could see that she wore shoes. It was in the pearl- the picture growing there. He himself was dressed in new white clothes, and he carried a new hat- not of straw but of fine black felt- and he too wore shoes- not sandals but shoes that laced. But Coyotito- he was the one- he wore a blue sailor suit from the United States and a little yachting cap such as Kino had seen once when a pleasure boat put into the estuary.All of these things Kino saw in the lucent pearl and he said, ‘We will have new clothes. ‘† (Steinbeck 24). These wishes are material wishes, wanting new clothes, and wanting to be married. To think, the first thing to want to do when you get rich is to get married and ge t new clothes. Doesn't that inform us, the reader, of Kino and Juana's current monetary situation? These things, wanting new clothes, wanting to get married, wanting their son to go to school.. these are all things that he would not be able to do without the pearl, and these are things that most likely all of their village people could not do.And then, near the end, Kino's instincts change rapidly from human like to animal like, living only on his instincts and guts. â€Å"Against the sky in the cave entrance Juana could see that Kino was taking off his white clothes, for dirty and ragged though they were they would show up against the dark night. His own brown skin was better protection for him† (Steinbeck 83). Camouflaging, not exactly something that we would all worry about on a daily basis. The fact that Kino takes what he wears into account against the enemy is something to think about, and it really shows how his instincts change.At this point, survival was the only thi ng he worried about. And lastly, Kino had not taken Juana's warning about the pearl earlier. Juana had seen through the pearl- it had not deceived her. â€Å"Evil faces peered from it into his eyes, and he saw the light of burning. And in the surface of the pearl he saw the frantic eyes of the man in the pool. And in the surface of the pearl he saw Coyotito lying in the little cave with the top of his head shot away. And the pearl was gly; it was gray like a malignant growth. And Kino heard the music of the pearl, distorted and insane† (Steinbeck 89).This shows that only at the end had he realized the actual appearance of the pearl. It had the power to enrich their lives and it also had the power to destroy what was important to them, and Kino had only seen the possible good outcomes of the pearl, and had hence been blinded. And by saying that he had been blinded does not mean that he had lost his sight; rather that everything else had gone over his head, or rather, in one ea r and out the other. He paid no heed to any possible bad outcomes with the pearl, and basically walked around with his eyes closed.We can all relate, but this is what the pearl had done to him, and realizing all of this at the end would not help. Coyotito had died, and there was nothing Kino could do to bring him or anything else back. His ignorance had cost him everything. The quote with which this essay had begun had basically summed up what Kino saw in this pearl- he saw a sweet outer and all of these wonderful prospects that could have come with the pearl, and also how he failed to see the potential risks. The pearl represented money and evil and greed and all of the things that people today still are oblivious to.Monetary troubles back then are still evident now, and Kino made a wrong turn that most, if not all of us had or will take some day. However, our mistakes might not cost so much as Kino's; in return for Kino's wrong turn, he lost his son, Coyotito, and instead gained a lifetime of guilt and regret. He himself changed, and not many of us would say that he changed for the better. In fact, no one can say if he changed for the worse, either. â€Å"And the music of the pearl drifted to a whisper and disappeared† (Steinbeck 90).

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Trader Joe’s

Economical, technological, demographics, economical, political, and socio-cultural trends taken into consideration by Trader Joe's and help lead to their continuing success. When it comes to economic factor, Trader Joe's has performed well in all economic conditions. The company performs well in a weak economy because they offer low prices. In strong economy the company offers unique products which help them perform well. Consumers are very price conscious, the are always looking for reasonable deals with healthier food. Trader Joe's carry quality products at reasonable prices which is rare. It has been seen that during economic downturn, people tend to shop more at grocery stores. When gas prices are high people have less disposable income but when gas prices are low they have more disposable income and are willing to try new items at grocery stores. Increase in income is resulting an increase in disbursal thus spending more on wide range of products which is helping Trader Joe's attract more customers. However, with the outstanding performances Trader Joe's adapted with the economic trends, they have shown slow progress in technological trends. The company is yet to adapt to new technologies trends. Trader Joe's does not utilize any social media platforms, applications, web based services, or loyalty programs. Since, self-checkout and advertising through mobile apps are getting more common the company has not taken these trends into considerations. Utilizing technological trends to advertise and connect with consumers may positively influence Trader Joe's. Demographic trends were taken into account in Trader Joe's strategy to note the population they are targeting. The population continues to grow and because the population is growing this means that it will have an impact on food consumption. Since, more and more immigrant move into the country it increases the population, and increase the needs and wants for food selection. Also, people in the current economy who are getting extra income chose to spend it on food that is organic, natural, and healthy for them. With competitive market, the trend is moving toward healthy products and low price options. The socio-cultural factors of health consciousness, population growth, and age all have an impact in the trends of food consumption, which directly affect the way Trader Joe's carries out business. The government not only makes sure food is safe but also if it is regulated properly. Legal and political trends have educated people about more sustainable lifestyles and healthier eating habits. The increasing consumer concern over the purity and safety of food has led to the demand for organic and natural food. Trader Joe's attracts consumers by offering quality products cheaper than its competitors. Trader Joe's has many strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. The company offers a unique shopping atmosphere will helps attract customers. The employees are seen wearing Hawaiian shirts and hand out samples of food and drinks to customers. Trader Joe's are known to have low turnover rates compared to their competitors because they offer good working conditions. The company prides itself when it comes to its employees. Trader Joe's employees help strengthen the brand and image. The company select employees who are positive, enthusiastic, and who help convey the company's image to its consumers. However, with incredible strengths that the company portrays, there are some weaknesses. The company's poor social media presence, lack of advertising, and limited product selection, has lead to concerns. Many opportunities can be implemented to overcome these weaknesses. Expanding advertising to social media outlets can help target new customers and potentially increase profits. Also, international expansion may be an opportunity for the company. Alongside opportunities that Trader Joe's can implement there are many threats that have surfaced. The company is faced with old and new competitors. One specific competitors of Trader Joe's being Whole Foods Market, who aim to have more accessible prices for their private label brands, target more price sensitive customers as well as health conscious customers. It is known that the Trader Joe's has been profitable. However, there is still some area of concerns. Using Porter's five forces Trader Joe's can better understand the competitiveness of their business environment. The five forces can help identify the company's potential profitability. The following will discuss Trader Joe's using the five forces model to determine how market forces may affect their company. Forces can help assist the companies to gain a broader picture of what affects the profitability of the organization and how to fix it. Also, by understanding the forces, Trader Joe's can shape these forces in their favor. Industry Rivalry – Competitive rivalry looks at number and strength of competitors. For Trader Joe's industry rivalry risk is medium to high since the number of competitors is growing. Several grocers have developed over the past years and having a low level of product diversity can also increase competition. Trader Joe's core competitors have large numbers of capital as well as economies of scale. Threat of New Entrants – Potential threat of new entrants is low to medium. Since there is extreme cost and capital requirements it is harder for other entrants to join. Finding cheap or health conscious suppliers would be difficult. Getting good quality food for cheaper price is hard to deliver but it is not impossible. However, a brand name like Trader Joe's which took many years to build, would be difficult for entrants. Also, given that Trader Joe's is a specialty grocery store, makes the threat of new entrants lower and because the company uses absolute cost advantages in many aspects of its business operations. Threat of Substitutes – There is a medium to high threat of substitutes products from other industries in the market since customers have a variety of other places to shop at. Although, supermarkets are gaining market share and similar products are found elsewhere, Trader Joe's has an advantages since they have their own branded products. Power of Suppliers – The power of suppliers is determined by how easy it is for your suppliers to increase their prices. Trader Joe's power of suppliers is moderately low. There is high competition amongst suppliers. Trader Joe's have an advantage because of their non-disclosure which makes it undetectable to consumers if they changed their supplier. Trader Joe's never disclose their manufacturers or suppliers hence it allows them to get a better deal with respect to its competitors. Power of Buyers – The bargaining power of buyers the ability in which buyers can drive prices dow or the quality up. Buyer's power for Trader Joe's is moderately high because of the large number of customers who have control over the price and quality of the products. Buyers are looking for the best products available but at the lowest price possible which can put pressure on the company's profitability in the long run. The more powerful the buyers, the higher the bargaining power of the customers. In order to continue its success, Trader Joe's needs to consider the following alternative strategies regarding the concerns facing the company, such the lack of advertising, the minimal selection of products, and lack in social media presence. The clearest strategy to implement in order to offset the lack in advertising is to create a effective advertisement by knowing the audience, deciding on a target location, planning a budget, thinking about the message the ad will send, and highlighting competitive advantages. Advertising in magazines, radio stations, or even television programs would be a good place to start. This strategy formulation will not only help Trader Joe's reach a large audience, but will attract new customers. If done correctly, advertisement can be a key investment for businesses including Trader Joe's. The second concern that Trader Joe's faces is the little selection of products which can be overcomed by testing new products at certain stores across the country. This can be done by studying competition, targeting ideal customers, researching the market, proper pricing, and developing a list of potential buyers. Having diversity in products is a key concept in maximizing profits. For example, Trader Joe's can consider providing its customers with healthier food items. Since, government regulations and society's are pushing toward healthy diets to help fight the obesity rates, people are more likely to pursue a healthy diet. Lastly, a crucial strategy formulation for Trader Joe's to consider involve incorporating social media presence in the company that can help diversify themselves from competitors. Creating official pages on social media outlets, is inexpensive and mostly free. Trader Joe's can promote from within which will help them better connect with customers and will allow them to advertise. Absence in social media has prevented the company from realizing its benefits that would come from online shopping. Its competitors such as Walmart and Safeway provide customers the option of online shopping on their application and web page along with in-store outlets. The company can create an app with flyers of weekly store sales, promotions, and online check-out options. Having a presence online whether it be a webpage or an application, will help provide the convenience of shopping from home as well as attract from traffic. The popularity of social media is a perfect opportunity for Trader Joe's because it allows them to become more active at minimal cost. The value chain analysis, five forces, and swot analysis help provide Trader Joe's an insight of the supermarket industry. The company's competitive advantage and current opportunities and threats can either help or harm the company's competitive sustainability in the future. Additionally, Trader Joe's can set themselves apart from their competitors by developing social media outlets, by increasing advertisement, and innovating new products in their stores. The company has successfully created a brand for its company using various strategy compared to their competitors. However, to continue growth Trader Joe's needs to implement the following strategies which will ensure competitive advantages. Without these planned initiatives, other competitors can easily purloin these strategies and move ahead of Trader Joe's. Trader Joe’s Economical, technological, demographics, economical, political, and socio-cultural trends taken into consideration by Trader Joe's and help lead to their continuing success. When it comes to economic factor, Trader Joe's has performed well in all economic conditions. The company performs well in a weak economy because they offer low prices. In strong economy the company offers unique products which help them perform well. Consumers are very price conscious, the are always looking for reasonable deals with healthier food. Trader Joe's carry quality products at reasonable prices which is rare. It has been seen that during economic downturn, people tend to shop more at grocery stores. When gas prices are high people have less disposable income but when gas prices are low they have more disposable income and are willing to try new items at grocery stores. Increase in income is resulting an increase in disbursal thus spending more on wide range of products which is helping Trader Joe's attract more customers. However, with the outstanding performances Trader Joe's adapted with the economic trends, they have shown slow progress in technological trends. The company is yet to adapt to new technologies trends. Trader Joe's does not utilize any social media platforms, applications, web based services, or loyalty programs. Since, self-checkout and advertising through mobile apps are getting more common the company has not taken these trends into considerations. Utilizing technological trends to advertise and connect with consumers may positively influence Trader Joe's. Demographic trends were taken into account in Trader Joe's strategy to note the population they are targeting. The population continues to grow and because the population is growing this means that it will have an impact on food consumption. Since, more and more immigrant move into the country it increases the population, and increase the needs and wants for food selection. Also, people in the current economy who are getting extra income chose to spend it on food that is organic, natural, and healthy for them. With competitive market, the trend is moving toward healthy products and low price options. The socio-cultural factors of health consciousness, population growth, and age all have an impact in the trends of food consumption, which directly affect the way Trader Joe's carries out business. The government not only makes sure food is safe but also if it is regulated properly. Legal and political trends have educated people about more sustainable lifestyles and healthier eating habits. The increasing consumer concern over the purity and safety of food has led to the demand for organic and natural food. Trader Joe's attracts consumers by offering quality products cheaper than its competitors. Trader Joe's has many strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. The company offers a unique shopping atmosphere will helps attract customers. The employees are seen wearing Hawaiian shirts and hand out samples of food and drinks to customers. Trader Joe's are known to have low turnover rates compared to their competitors because they offer good working conditions. The company prides itself when it comes to its employees. Trader Joe's employees help strengthen the brand and image. The company select employees who are positive, enthusiastic, and who help convey the company's image to its consumers. However, with incredible strengths that the company portrays, there are some weaknesses. The company's poor social media presence, lack of advertising, and limited product selection, has lead to concerns. Many opportunities can be implemented to overcome these weaknesses. Expanding advertising to social media outlets can help target new customers and potentially increase profits. Also, international expansion may be an opportunity for the company. Alongside opportunities that Trader Joe's can implement there are many threats that have surfaced. The company is faced with old and new competitors. One specific competitors of Trader Joe's being Whole Foods Market, who aim to have more accessible prices for their private label brands, target more price sensitive customers as well as health conscious customers. It is known that the Trader Joe's has been profitable. However, there is still some area of concerns. Using Porter's five forces Trader Joe's can better understand the competitiveness of their business environment. The five forces can help identify the company's potential profitability. The following will discuss Trader Joe's using the five forces model to determine how market forces may affect their company. Forces can help assist the companies to gain a broader picture of what affects the profitability of the organization and how to fix it. Also, by understanding the forces, Trader Joe's can shape these forces in their favor. Industry Rivalry – Competitive rivalry looks at number and strength of competitors. For Trader Joe's industry rivalry risk is medium to high since the number of competitors is growing. Several grocers have developed over the past years and having a low level of product diversity can also increase competition. Trader Joe's core competitors have large numbers of capital as well as economies of scale. Threat of New Entrants – Potential threat of new entrants is low to medium. Since there is extreme cost and capital requirements it is harder for other entrants to join. Finding cheap or health conscious suppliers would be difficult. Getting good quality food for cheaper price is hard to deliver but it is not impossible. However, a brand name like Trader Joe's which took many years to build, would be difficult for entrants. Also, given that Trader Joe's is a specialty grocery store, makes the threat of new entrants lower and because the company uses absolute cost advantages in many aspects of its business operations. Threat of Substitutes – There is a medium to high threat of substitutes products from other industries in the market since customers have a variety of other places to shop at. Although, supermarkets are gaining market share and similar products are found elsewhere, Trader Joe's has an advantages since they have their own branded products. Power of Suppliers – The power of suppliers is determined by how easy it is for your suppliers to increase their prices. Trader Joe's power of suppliers is moderately low. There is high competition amongst suppliers. Trader Joe's have an advantage because of their non-disclosure which makes it undetectable to consumers if they changed their supplier. Trader Joe's never disclose their manufacturers or suppliers hence it allows them to get a better deal with respect to its competitors. Power of Buyers – The bargaining power of buyers the ability in which buyers can drive prices dow or the quality up. Buyer's power for Trader Joe's is moderately high because of the large number of customers who have control over the price and quality of the products. Buyers are looking for the best products available but at the lowest price possible which can put pressure on the company's profitability in the long run. The more powerful the buyers, the higher the bargaining power of the customers. In order to continue its success, Trader Joe's needs to consider the following alternative strategies regarding the concerns facing the company, such the lack of advertising, the minimal selection of products, and lack in social media presence. The clearest strategy to implement in order to offset the lack in advertising is to create a effective advertisement by knowing the audience, deciding on a target location, planning a budget, thinking about the message the ad will send, and highlighting competitive advantages. Advertising in magazines, radio stations, or even television programs would be a good place to start. This strategy formulation will not only help Trader Joe's reach a large audience, but will attract new customers. If done correctly, advertisement can be a key investment for businesses including Trader Joe's. The second concern that Trader Joe's faces is the little selection of products which can be overcomed by testing new products at certain stores across the country. This can be done by studying competition, targeting ideal customers, researching the market, proper pricing, and developing a list of potential buyers. Having diversity in products is a key concept in maximizing profits. For example, Trader Joe's can consider providing its customers with healthier food items. Since, government regulations and society's are pushing toward healthy diets to help fight the obesity rates, people are more likely to pursue a healthy diet. Lastly, a crucial strategy formulation for Trader Joe's to consider involve incorporating social media presence in the company that can help diversify themselves from competitors. Creating official pages on social media outlets, is inexpensive and mostly free. Trader Joe's can promote from within which will help them better connect with customers and will allow them to advertise. Absence in social media has prevented the company from realizing its benefits that would come from online shopping. Its competitors such as Walmart and Safeway provide customers the option of online shopping on their application and web page along with in-store outlets. The company can create an app with flyers of weekly store sales, promotions, and online check-out options. Having a presence online whether it be a webpage or an application, will help provide the convenience of shopping from home as well as attract from traffic. The popularity of social media is a perfect opportunity for Trader Joe's because it allows them to become more active at minimal cost. The value chain analysis, five forces, and swot analysis help provide Trader Joe's an insight of the supermarket industry. The company's competitive advantage and current opportunities and threats can either help or harm the company's competitive sustainability in the future. Additionally, Trader Joe's can set themselves apart from their competitors by developing social media outlets, by increasing advertisement, and innovating new products in their stores. The company has successfully created a brand for its company using various strategy compared to their competitors. However, to continue growth Trader Joe's needs to implement the following strategies which will ensure competitive advantages. Without these planned initiatives, other competitors can easily purloin these strategies and move ahead of Trader Joe's.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

A Study On Digital Computer Technology Information Technology Essays

A Study On Digital Computer Technology Information Technology Essays A Study On Digital Computer Technology Information Technology Essay A Study On Digital Computer Technology Information Technology Essay Computer engineering is a normal comrade and phenomenon in our modern day-to-day life. In fact, it is difficult to conceive of how to wake up every forenoon and travel through the whole twenty-four hours without the helper from computing machine engineering. We seem excessively dependent on this engineering for work, instruction, amusement and even for societal ground. . However, non many of us really realize that computing machine engineering is besides a dual border blade. Equally much as it positively contributes figure of goodness in our progress civilisation, it besides introduces a batch of possible togss and hazards. Surveies shows that combination of computing machines and internet entree create flexible resource for all types of information that allow more schools trade from a text edition to wireless laptop computing machine engineering ( Polman, J. 2006 ) . However, computing machine engineering is non ever work outing a job but besides create a job itself which can put on the line and menace the quality of human life. Vacca J.R ( 2009 ) emphasizes on the importance of computing machine security as we already witness a batch of computing machine security onslaught runing from virus, worm, Trojan, individuality larceny and besides raging book kiddies since early 1980s to late 2000s. Lehtinen. Rick ( 2006 ) besides emphasis on computing machine security as he explains in his article that in 2003 entirely, computing machine security become a critical issue when it cost commercial industries to lost 100s of 1000000s which finally becomes chief subscriber to commercial offense. Therefore, people should be warned about the potency of computing machine engineering hazards and be advised on how to take safeguard stairss in order to avoid unwanted incidents which lead to this paper principle as below. Civilization of homo has revolutionized by the being of computing machine engineering that helped them to better quality of life without realizes the effects of the engineering itself to the person, society, and authorities. Today, bulk of plants in sector industry solve complex job utilizing distributed calculating such as work outing unstable dynamic job, natural catastrophe prognosis and work outing D.N.A protein construction that calculate million algorithms in one procedure. Meanwhile, the radio engineering helps learning method in instruction. Yet, our day-to-day life besides uses a computing machine engineering such as personal computing machine, nomadic phone and unreal engineering that assist human to better their day-to-day life. However, some of the computing machine applications besides have hazards which influence person to be inactive in term of behaviour such as computing machine games addict, lost involvement in instruction and less interaction in societal life. Furthermore, this engineering helps public to avoid traffic jam and allow authorities to command transit to be more efficient such as aero plane path and air traffic. On the other manus, the hazard of the accident can go on to pub lic if computing machine virus such as worm infected their system. Last but non least, growing of economic system, security and industry development can be improved through cyberspace engineering. Unfortunately, this engineering besides introduces new offenses known as cyber war and cyberspace terrorist act which exploits a virus and illegal entree into unauthorised computing machine including the authorities mainframe and waiter. Therefore, this research is conducted to demo all possible positions between the deduction of computing machine engineering, part of computing machine engineering to single, community and society which bring us to discourse whether the usage of computing machine engineering gives positive and negative position by reacting to the undermentioned inquiry: To detect computing machine engineering parts in current civilisation. To look into current and possible hazards of computing machine engineering that may endanger human life. To happen out the safeguard needed to be taken to avoid or extinguish computing machine engineering hazard and menace. Therefore, based on these three pillars of aims, a comprehensive literature reappraisal is conducted in order to happen groundss, facts and supports for this research paper. Literature Review Computer Contribution The desire and enticement to make a machine that could calculate and work out mathematical job already started since 17th century. However due to miss of supportive innovation such as electromechanical and electronic engineerings, all old efforts neer able to run into their nonsubjective until late of twentieth century where foremost electronic computing machine made it first visual aspect. This become the new morning of electronic computing machine engineering epoch. Harmonizing to Matthew and Clarence ( n.d ) research paper, coevals of computing machine engineering could be divided into five coevalss. The first coevals one is started when ENIAC ( Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator ) was invented by an electrical applied scientist J.Presper Eckert and physicist John W. Mauchly in 1942. Mathew besides claim that ENIAC is the really first general intent electronic computing machine which use 1000s of vacuity tubings therefore make the size of this first computing mac hine is mammoth, undependable and unrealistically expensive. This undertaking was funded by United State military in order to assist them cipher missile projection for World War II uses. EDVAC, UNIVAC and IBM 702 besides fall within this coevals of computing machine. In order to better first coevals computing machine dependability and to convey down its monetary value to acceptable degree, semiconducting material engineering was invented. By utilizing this engineering alternatively of vacuity tubing, 2nd coevals of computing machine engineering was born in late fiftiess. Mathew besides province that 2nd coevals of computing machine uses magnetic tape as storage alternatively of pluging card. Magnetic tape could hive away several times more information and informations per unit size comparison to automatically pluging card. Therefore 2nd coevals of computing machine such as UNIVAC III is more dependable, able to hive away more informations significantly and is much cheaper to b e made. These consequences to early acceptances in good set up scientific institutes to work out cold algorithm job. Third coevals computing machine exist between 1969 and 1977 where integrated circuit engineering is widely available. Mathew explains that with the aid of incorporate circuit engineering, 100s of electronic elements could be placed on a little Si bit. This is a immense promotion because in first coevals of computing machine, every individual electronic component is represented by a vacuity tubing which is every bit big as shoe box. But, with the debut of this engineering, a room size of vacuity tubing could be fitted in a piece of Si bit non larger than a lucifer box. This consequence computing machine to go manner smaller than it was in first and 2nd coevals epoch. IBM 370, DEC PDP-8 and UNIVAC 1108 were among the most good established computing machine mainframe for this coevals. Matthew besides states that computing machine mainframe, terminus or workst ation and Wide Area Network start to rule instruction institutes and big corporations in intent to work out mission critical undertaking. ARPANET was developed by US authorities as anchor web to complect research research labs and universities mainframe so scientists could interchange informations and information faster than conventional postal method. This ARPANET engineering finally evolves to be world-wide web which we recognize now as the Internet. Succeeding to this integrated circuit engineering, VLSI ( Very Large Integrated Circuit ) was invented hence 4th coevals of computing machine engineering was born in the 1980s. VLSI engineering allows many 1000s of electronic elements to be cramped in a little piece of silicon bit as being explain by Mathew as The VLSI engineering greatly increased the circuit denseness. VLSI engineering allows computing machine chief memory or technically known as ultra-high entree memory unit to be attached to computing machine internal syst em. This make 4th coevals of computing machine is really antiphonal yet manner cheaper and smaller to be made comparison to old coevals of engineering. IBM produced IBM PC while Apple Computer introduce Apple Macintosh personal computing machine in early 1980s. Both types of computing machines still evolve and exist until today without many changes to its original construct. These computing machines to a great extent populated school, university, office, mill and even place because of their very inexpensive monetary value, dependable, long lasting and comparatively high public presentation for day-to-day work. Notebook, laptop and personal digital aid computing machine besides fall into this coevals of computing machine. Fifth coevals of computing machine is the latest but still on early phase. This computing machine engineering promises a whole new attack in the context of how human and computing machine interact. Oppose to older coevals of computing machine where computing machine is a tool for human, 5th coevals of computing machine is designed to work with human collaboratively and unobtrusively. Electro-mechanical device such as automaton usage embedded computing machine bit as its encephalon. This bit is loaded with progress and complex algorithm known as Artificial Intelligent ( AI ) to execute its responsibility base on its ain logical thought without any expressed direction by human. This statement is supported by Mathew in their survey which they write The race is now on constructing the following or 5th coevals of computing machines, machines that exhibit unreal intelligence. Therefore new coevalss of computing machines will affect robotics and computing machine webs. Mainzer. K. ( p.2-3, 1998 ) besides agree on the thought that current computing machine engineering is all about unreal intelligent which is focus on knowledge-processing system alternatively of number-crunching machine. He recognizes this coevals of computing machine as 2nd age of computing machine engineering. If these two documents are concluded, it is obvious that the first age of computing machine system is where computing machine is a tool and number-processing machine. This engineering is represented by first to 4th coevals of computing machine harmonizing to Mathew Second age computing machine shows that computing machine is no longer a human tools alternatively it is really a human unreal aid. Therefore, it is undeniable fact that computing machine engineering contributes a batch in our modern society and engineering dependent life. Zomaya A.Y. , ( 2005 ; 20-21 ) emphasizes that computing machine engineering responsible to exponentially increases in human productiveness. Comput er engineering constituent such as personal computing machine, web and embedded hardware become cardinal tools for research worker and maker. The Internet which besides a sub-component of computing machine engineering change the manner people work, exchange information and do concern. Renyanky L. ( 2009 ) explains that in between 1970s and 1980s academic community treat the Internet as a forum enabling societal and informations exchange networking. This is quickly alterations in 1990s where the Internet already accessible by public. The Internet starts to go a medium to carry on concern either in the signifier of e-commerce or as portals of information associating to makers merchandises. Experts call this as web 1.0. In the 2000s, the Internet evolves once more which is known as web 2.0. The promotion in computing machine and web engineering allow fast informations transportation and content rich web sites. These consequences to the manner information are shared in the cyberspace wh ich are more media centric and dynamic. Social networking website such as Facebook become an embodiment for fast paced citizen to remain in touch with their friends and household and picture streaming website go a new signifier of amusement which antecedently dominated by telecasting. The manner authorities sector regulations any state besides start to alter. They need to be more crystalline because of the openness of cyberspace engineering which allow blogger to shout out their sentiment and leak sensitive information to the public anonymously. Renyanky L. besides stresses in his article that biometric engineerings ; such as face acknowledgment system should be used to avoid cultural classification of people in security pattern ( p.44 ) . This will guarantee any informations and intelligent information collected is non jeopardized by any signifier of favoritism as computing machine public presentation does nt affected by any emotional job. In medicine field Windham, C. ( 2007 ) bel ieves the outgrowth of nanorobot helps to bring around diseases and increase human quality of life. Nanorobot has the ability to take barriers to the circulatory system, kill malignant neoplastic disease and command subcellular cell organs in medicine intervention. Because of nanorobot work at microscopic degree, this accomplishment ca nt be replicated even by the most adept sawbones. As 4th coevals computing machine already penetrated schools and place, this engineering aid pupils expand their cognition and believing through information and communicating engineering ( ICT ) . By possessing ICT accomplishment, pupils able to seek and get the hang new cognition easier, faster, go more originative and able to execute critical believing base on their current state of affairs. Tay, L ( 2003 ) agrees that pupil can develop high order thought by utilizing ICT tools which include enlightening, situating, and constructive and communicating tools. Albeit it is undeniable fact that computing machine engineering brings a batch of promotion and sweetening in our day-to-day life, as with any engineering created by our greatest head it does nt liberate from development and side effects. These issues will be studied in following subdivision of this literature reappraisal. Potential hazard and menace that may endanger human life Even after over 50 old ages this engineering exists in our life and legion security and protection measuring has been taken to procure this engineering loophole, it still possess indefinite figure of engineering hazards that may impact personal, society and even government.. Computer engineering hazards could be originated from two beginnings which is the engineering itself and the terminal user. From engineering position, hazards of computing machine engineering frequently highlighted as security and wellness issue. Computer security becomes a serious affair because every individual concern in this current modern society depends on this engineering to hive away informations, history dealing, advertizement and besides protecting company secret. Vacca J.R ( 2009 ) writes Security breaches can be an organisation significantly through a tarnished repute, lost concern, and legal fees ( p.3 ) . Social information besides archived in computing machine database engineering. Any security r ear of barrel will do ruinous development such as on-line caricature, enterpriser sabotage and companies secrets illegal trade. Vacca J.R besides explains that any company that successfully turn out how robust its computing machine substructure is protected could derive legion advantages such as marketing tool that demonstrate their capableness and willingness to protect its clients informations. Furthermore, a company with proper computing machine substructure protection will pass less clip and money to place security breaches and the demand to pay mulcts to statute law organic structure. This fact is decently supported by Lehtinen R. ( 2006 ) survey that states in 2003, computing machine offense already go the most expensive commercial offense which cost over USD70 million worth of information lost, USD66 million lost from unneeded IT investing and USD201 million worth of lost from computing machine invasion onslaught. Even this figure was based on Federal Bureau of Investigation public study, it is non needfully accurate. This is because non every company which was attacked files a study. Lehtinen R. estimation that approximately 50 per centum of invasions were non reported at all due to undue range or merely to avoid bad promotion. This figure go worst when among those studies that have been filed, about 60 per centum become void studies when they fail to quantify the loss. So, based on these facts and by the nature of computing machine engineering dependant are additions exponentially by twelvemonth, it is safe to gauge that current commercial doomed due to security menaces is far more than the figure shown above. However, computing machine engineering security is non merely a aggregation of hardwares and packages. Contradict to popular belief that computing machine security is all about firewall, antimalware, invasion sensing and placeholder waiter, the most of import component in computing machine security is the terminal user. If this component becomes the weakest nexus, security user will concentrate their attempt to assail this weak point. Due to this misconception, many organisations invest 1000000s of dollar to purchase province of the art security hardwares and packages in hope to procure up their computing machine substructure but stop up with so many security breaches. This affair become worst when extremely skill IT professionals who should concentrate their energy protecting company computing machine system and train employees are frequently jammed with help-desk tasked such as resetting disregarded watchword, repairing stuck pressman and configuring new staff Personal computer as being explain by Vacca J.R ( pg 5 ) . Furthermore, most computing machine users tend to take for granted on how friendly computing machine interface today. Many do nt recognize that today s computing machine is more complex and powerful than it was 20 or 30 old ages ago. Vacca J.R besides explain that some computing machine industry professiona ls do nt wholly understand the construct of Windows register, port and things that goes behind the user friendly Windows graphical user interface ( GUI ) ( pg 4 ) . The effect of this action is, terminal users tend to believe that they are computing machine literate and frequently rank themselves as power user. This consequence to ignorance and take for granted behaviour which is something that bad cat eager to work. Lehtinen besides states in his book that As broadband Internet entree becomes progressively popular, more users set up place computing machines and go forth them running 24/7. The consequence is they become marks for aggressors. ( p6 ) . So, computing machine users ignorance in security importance plus 24/7 connected to the Internet are more likely an unfastened invitation to attacker to work. Bad cats are usually the true power users. They frequently realize that checking good protected computing machine substructure in proficient manner is excessively drawn-out and hard. Therefore, they exploit user ignorance and wonder. Vacca J.R. explains in his survey that even employees have been told legion times to disregard email fond regard from unknown transmitter, employees keep violate this policy. This consequence a virus known as I Love You Virus eruption in computing machine systems in planetary graduated table by working users electronic mail box. Another sort of computing machine menace is computing machine worm. Worm is non a virus but a piece of computing machine plan that replicate themselves to impossible figure which cause victims difficult disc full of refuse and congest victim webs with refuse package. Lehtinen R. writes in his book After retroflexing itself for the first 20 yearss of each month, it replaced web pages on the victim machines with a page that declared Hacked by Chinese, so launched an onslaught on the White House web waiter. ( p7 ) . These cause major mayhem in computing machine web and present a batch of hold and system slow down. Productivity lessening aggressively and care cost addition drastically. Vacca J.R besides highlight ( pg 4 ) that phishing and cozenages are being actively used by aggressor to steal users sensitive information such as their bank username, watchword, recognition card figure and security codifications. What aggressor needs to make is direct a bogus electronic mail that lure stop user to travel to his bogus web site to reap user sensitive information. Attacker might claim that he is a legitimate executive from terminal users bank and requires users to travel to certain web hyperlink to update victims history item. Unfortunately for the victims, the hyperlink really redirects them to forge web site which is created by the aggressor. This signifier of onslaught could short-circuit even the most rigorous security attack as security decision maker unable to barricade electronic mail from making employee letter boxs due to productivity ground. But the effects and deduc tions are lifelessly because one time aggressor knows employees or terminal users history item ; he merely could utilize it at his ain advantage. Money transportation, corporate espionage, unauthorised purchase will be stop user and organisation large lost in money and credibleness. Money transportation and unauthorised recognition card purchase for illustration merely will do the victims to confront fiscal job while corporate espionage will do organisations to lost their secret forms or information sing their latest merchandises. In add-on to computing machine user s ignorance, they besides of course do nt like beds of security protection such as the demand to come in login name and watchword several times a twenty-four hours in order to entree classified information or even to utilize their workstation. For terminal user, security bed is inconvenience and consume productiveness clip. Vacca J. R ( p.1 ) survey shows that each employee will blow about four hours of productiveness c lip per twelvemonth merely because they need to identify in their username and password daily. In corporate position, four hours per employee per twelvemonth is a major lost if they have 1000s of employees. Even security experts claim that this loss is at acceptable degree compared to possible loss if there is no security protection at all, non all corporation figure caput accept this fact. For this corporate leader, net income ever come foremost and others come 2nd. Some more, computing machine created without security in head as this paper explain in computing machine development subdivision, computing machine originally created for research workers and scientist to calculate complex mathematical map. Over clip, it evolves to be human productiveness tools. Therefore, the discoverers of this brilliant machine neer consider security as cardinal component. Computer engineering start to faces security issues in early 80s when every machine is connected each other with wired web. Merely from that phase, security engineer get down to develop and implement beds of security within computing machine architecture bed. Even so, this is considered as afterthought action because security engineerings really need to trail computing machine engineerings that evolve quickly. This hold provides important spread for aggressors to work it. And one time the spread is being patched, aggressors move to another spread that already available at that clip. By uniting t erminal user ignorance, incompetent IT professional and security holes aggressor could establish Denial of Service ( DdOS ) onslaught with the aid of victims web bandwidth and internet connexion. Denial of Service onslaught could do any web and web site paralyzes and unable to serve their users and endorsers. Lehtinen R. states that The computing machine of a naif user may be forced into take parting in a distributed denial of service ( DDoS ) onslaught aimed toward a designated mark and timed to fire off with 100s of 1000s of others so as to overpower the victim. ( p8 ) . This may ensue debasement in productiveness at terminal users side and service suppliers may endure with bad repute, undependable service image which possibly may be them a luck when their endorsers move to their rivals. The promotion of computing machine engineering besides has high potency hazard to impact environment and societal universe. It introduces new structural feature of engineering that emphasized o n technological development and determining technological hereafter. Harmonizing to ( Hans Lenk, 1998 ) progressing means come oning taking stairss over clip or distance toward another, a better, topographic point, nonsubjective or end province that refer between two position either advancement or progresss in engineering or rational stairss toward accomplishing a new province of the art within the field of doctrine of engineering itself. Han dynasties report several sort of danger such electrical blackouts of metropolitan countries was occur due to susceptibleness of extremely developed and dumbly intertwined system known as systems-technocratic danger which can technically bring forth radioactive to others. Han dynasties besides notes that the power of invasion in multiple distributed engineering system gives ethical job to technological universe that appear to take the feature of destiny or fate. Without duty of world, the promotion engineering advancement can do world-wide gra duated table of effects of technological intertwinement including globalisation consequence in organisation and economic system. Many of new computing machine engineering are designed for the exclusive intent of easing communicating between single to run into new people around the universe utilizing internet engineering. Instant messaging, chat suites, Facebook and other web sites are specifically designed for the intent of meeting and connecting with person who portion similar involvements. Conversely, more cyberspace usage leads to more chance for toughs and sexual torment. Harmonizing to the 2005 Young Canadians in a Wired World survey of Grades 9 to 11 pupils, immature people are devouring users of this engineering. Ninety-four per centum of immature people have entree to the Internet in their places while 23 % of immature people have their ain cell phones that equipped with text messaging capablenesss and digital cameras ( Steeves, V. 2009 ) . Therefore, the Internet becomes a popular tool for sexual torment. Cyber torment occurs when a verbal or physical behaviour of a sexual nature, purpose at a peculiar individual or group of people in community. The research reveals that some computing machine users use societal networking web sites and web logs to expose victim s erotica stuffs in order to do cyber torment. The deduction of torment can do personal psychological science dislocation which consequence to outlook or physically hurt ( Maass, A. A ; Mara, C. A ; Guarnieri, G A ; Grasselli, A. , n.d, p. 856 ) . Physiology wise, there are several possible hazards of computing machine engineering that must be cognizant of that can damage human physical organic structure. Cellular telephone is a wireless communicating device which receives and radiates comparatively high amplitude of radio signal in order to transport voice over air. Therefore, a group of research workers claim that cellular telephones can do encephalon malignant neoplastic disease through signal ( Frey, Allan H. 2001 ) . The signal creates radiation exposure from the cellular phone through the encephalon and cause malignant neoplastic disease which resulted from a long latency. Frey besides reference that there are important additions in malignant neoplastic disease that appear in short clip while the cellular phone is used due to the fact that human encephalon is straight exposed to radio beckon even if the sum is little. Furthermore, by utilizing improper ergonomic computing machine equipment such as authoritative mouse or keyboard for a long clip exposes end user to legion lasting hurts such as insistent strain hurt ( RSI ) ( Moravec, H. 2009, p.2 ) . Wrist hurts can ensue lasting nervus harm if neglected and can change from a simple sprain to a serious instability of the carpal castanetss called wrist injury. Harmonizing to a survey in July issue of the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, a 732 per centum rise in acute computer-related hurts from 1994 through 2006 which double the 309 per centum addition in family computing machine ownership over the period. With these so many hazards that being introduces by computing machine engineering, it is wise to analyze and inform terminal users and IT professionals the safeguard and bar actions that they may use to minimise if non eliminates these possible jobs which lead us to third research aim as being explain in great inside informations in following subdivision. The safeguard needed to be taken to avoid or extinguish computing machine engineering hazards and menaces. Every secure organisation has a end to accomplish a long term success to take advantage of legion benefits including insurance premium decrease and prevent security breach to increase yearly net income. For most organisation, the cost of making security is to cut down hazard and derive competitory advantage in market topographic point by bespeaking security tools from IT professional. Therefore, several ways can be taken to construct successful secure organisation. Basically computing machine engineering related jobs and hazards originally come from the engineering itself and stop its users, a comprehensive attack consists of both parties need to be taken. End user need to be educated sing security consciousness while computing machine substructure and engineering demand to be developed with security in head. Computer security consciousness could be started from anyplace but sin ce most computing machines which involve confidential informations located at organisation or company, it is wise for company proprietor or board of manager to set a fraction of company one-year budget in carry oning computing machine security consciousness. IT professional should be send to qualified security preparation centre in order to hold proper preparation and competent degree to pull off organisation security substructure. These IT professionals besides should supply computing machine security workshop for employee in order to develop civilization of security. Vacca J.R explains in his book that although security substructures do nt alter often, new signifier of menaces are developed every twenty-four hours. Thus it is of import to supply IT professional equal preparations so they could be dynamic adequate to maintain up with of all time altering computing machine security onslaught. He steadfastly emphasis on IT professional besides need to be actively involves in protecti ng company computing machine substructure ( p9 ) . Furthermore, it is of import for each organisation to hold 3rd party to reexamine their security position. Vacca province the advantage of holding 3rd party reappraisal organisational system is to give experience reviewing of broad scope of systems, application and device in assortment of industries through incursion proving that may do job in the hereafter. The incursion proving have several attack but the more efficient and less expensive is partial c